Alyssa Lynes
Alyssa Lynes (US) is a dancer and teacher of many styles of dance, and an English language teacher. A dancer her whole life, she grew up in Boston, Massachusetts until she attended Sarah Lawrence College in New York. There she began studying Contact Improvisation (CI) in 2002 and ultimately received a BA in Contemporary Dance four years later. She stayed another 6 years in NYC where she continued training in CI, release technique, and Salsa. While there, she received her Masters in Education and worked as a freelance dancer and bilingual school teacher.
An intensive CI training with Nancy Stark Smith in 2010 catapulted Alyssa on a CI devoted trip to Europe, and she has resided there ever since, training and working as a free-lance dancer and teacher of Contact Improvisation, Contemporary Dance, English and Spanish.
Alyssa now lives in Freiburg, Germany where she is a founder of Contact Improvisation Kollectiv Freiburg, and is currently a member of the CI Freiburg Jam Team. She has taught at CI Jams at Earthdance (MA, US) where she was a Diversity Committee member (2009). In Europe she has taught at festivals such as Contact Meets Contemporary (DE), Ibiza CI Festival (SP), the French International Acrobatic Convention (FR), and in Touch & Play Festivals (SP & UK).
In 2010, Alyssa began to explore the medium of video as a way to capture expression through dance and share it with a larger more varied audience. She is a collaborative director of 5 Ways In: an anthropological documentary filmed during the Freiburg International
Festival 2012. (http://vimeo.com/50564836)
Alyssa has always been interested in culture and anthropology, communication styles and interpersonal dynamics. Interactive performances inspire Alyssa because she can explore meaningful
questions, and experience authentic vulnerability and play.
Alyssa is very excited to help organize and create You&Me with this amazing group of international artists. Through the intimacy of this personalized performance, she sees a potential for developing further awareness, embodying the power of expression and listening, and connecting with others beyond culturally learned blocks, prejudices,
and isms.
- She is currently walking around her neighborhood(Freiburg,
Germany) full of new ideas of how to engage with the spaces and the
community that she lives in new intimate ways.