Tara Rynders

Tara Rynders is the artistic director of “The Clinic” and spends her time working with patients at Rose Medical Center in the infusion center and dancing anywhere and everywhere. She has been a nurse for over 10 years and has been a dancer for her entire life creating immersive interactive performances. It is the intimacy and vulnerability that is found in both nursing and dancing that she is drawn to and she believes that dance, art, and music are available to us all for healing in ways that medicine simply cannot do. Thank you for joining her and her associate clinicians of “The Clinic”. She guarantees you have never experienced a clinic like this one before and she is excited to share this experience with you.
Tara Rynders
Tara Rynders is the artistic director of “The Clinic” and spends her time working with patients at Rose Medical Center in the infusion center and dancing anywhere and everywhere. She has been a nurse for over 10 years and has been a dancer for her entire life creating immersive interactive performances. It is the intimacy and vulnerability that is found in both nursing and dancing that she is drawn to and she believes that dance, art, and music are available to us all for healing in ways that medicine simply cannot do. Thank you for joining her and her associate clinicians of “The Clinic”. She guarantees you have never experienced a clinic like this one before and she is excited to share this experience with you.