artistic director
of You and Me
The Clinic
As Artistic Director of You & Me I create environments or happenings that allow the viewer to take an active role. This environment creates relationships with the guests and de-centralizes myself as the performer, offering a deeper more connected experience that allows the viewer to take ownership in. I am interested in creating environments for “one on one” performances that involve one performer and one viewer at a time. This allows both the performer and the viewer to experience the performance symbiotically, partaking and creating together in the moment. You & Me is a curated 3- hour evening experience that brings guests through a transformation as individuals and as a community. Through dance performances, “one on one” interactive installations, and a sit down family style dinner You & Me has traveled to cities world –wide sharing and creating art over a one –two week period. You & Me travels as a small company and in each city works alongside local artists to create in site –specific locations such as homes, farms, schools, castles, and neighborhoods.